In this course, you will:

  • Learn to identify the Hebrew alphabet and vowels and pronounce them.

  • Learn to understand the fundamentals of the Hebrew language.

  • Learn to read the text of the Hebrew Bible with some basic comprehension.

  • Learn to look up any word in the Hebrew Bible and determine its meaning.

Pricing options

Alternate Option

Instead of purchasing courses individually, consider investing in a library membership where you can access all three online video courses, along with many other products, for a low monthly fee.

Course curriculum

    1. Section Overview

    2. The Aleph & Beyt

    3. The Mem & Yud

    4. The Nun & Hey

    5. Quiz: The Hebrew letters aleph, beyt, mem, yud, nun and hey.

    6. The Lamed & Vav

    7. The Resh & Shin

    8. The Ayin & Tet

    9. Quiz: The Hebrew letters lamed, vav, resh, shin, ayin and tet.

    10. The Tav & Dalet

    11. The Tsade & Quph

    12. The Hhet & Kaph

    13. Quiz: The Hebrew letters tav, dalet, tsade, quph, hhet and kaph.

    14. The Zayin & Pey

    15. The Gimel & Samehh

    16. Quiz: The Hebrew letters zayin, pey, gimel and samehh.

    1. Section Overview

    2. Genesis 1:1

    3. Genesis 1:2

    4. Genesis 1:3

    5. Genesis 1:4

    6. Genesis 1:5

    7. The Cantillation Marks

    8. Reading Hebrew Sentences

    9. Quiz: Reading and Comphrension

    1. Simple Nouns

    2. Noun Constructs

    3. Noun Prefixes

    4. Noun Suffixes

    5. Plural Nouns

    6. Pronouns

    7. Heberw Phrases

    8. Translation Practice

    9. Quiz: Hebrew Nouns

    1. Participles, Imperatives and the Infinitive

    2. Simple Verbs

    3. The Disappearing Letters

    4. Verb Prefixes

    5. Verb Suffixes

    6. Verb Forms

    7. Translation Practice

    8. Quiz: Hebrew Verbs

    1. Adjectives

    2. Adverbs

    3. Prepositions

    4. Conjunctions

    5. Interogatives

    6. Negatives

    7. Combinations

    8. Translation Practice

    9. Quiz: Prepositions, Adjectives, etc.

    1. How to Define Hebrew Words - Nouns

    2. How to Define Hebrew Words - Verbs

    3. Hebrew Verb Tables

    4. Bible Programs

    5. Similar Word Spellings

    6. Other Resources

    7. Translation Practice

    8. Translation Practice Review

    9. Quiz: Defining and Translating Hebrew Words

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 67 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content


star rating

star rating

5 star rating

This is dead on .

Jerry Adams

In short this course nails it , far better than most text books I have read .I would recommend it to anyone that wants to learn Hebrew .

In short this course nails it , far better than most text books I have read .I would recommend it to anyone that wants to learn Hebrew .

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5 star rating

Excellent Course!!!

Joseph Mix

I learned so much already from taking this course. Last week I didn't know the Hebrew alphabet; this week I can recognize certain words and read a few verse...

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I learned so much already from taking this course. Last week I didn't know the Hebrew alphabet; this week I can recognize certain words and read a few verses in Genesis. Jeff Benner is an excellent teacher!! Highly recommended!!!!

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5 star rating


Brian Nelson

This course is taught in an easy step by step manner. I highly recommend it.

This course is taught in an easy step by step manner. I highly recommend it.

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